Honeywell MK XXI EGPWS Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (HTAWS)
Garmin GTX-330 Transponder with ES ADS-B Out
Qty:2 Garmin GNS 430 GPS
Garmin GMX 200
Bendix King KI825 EHSI (electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator)
SkyTrac ISAT 100 Sat Phone with DVI250 pilot dialer and CDP250 crew dialer
Artex C406 ELT
Genesys S-TEC Helisas Auto pilot system
NAT Communication TH450a and TH450b radio control heads
NTX 138 and NTX 403 Radios
GDL 69 XM weather
NAT AA95-912N and AA95-913N pilot and crew audio control
KNI-216 Radar Altimeter KR87 system
ASU NVIS equipped
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